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Please ensure you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions before you make a booking.
By placing a booking you confirm to have read, understood and accepted them. Completion of the booking process and acceptance of our terms and conditions forms your contract with Journey Together Dog Training & Behaviour






  • Family members are always welcome in our classes. All children under 16 must be accompanied and under supervision of an adult at all times.

  • Please keep dogs on leads at all times unless otherwise directed by your trainer. If you are not clear whether you should have your dog on or off the lead when completing an exercise, just ask.

  • You are responsible for the behaviour and actions of your dog while attending training.

  • Please respect the personal space of other dogs and people, and ensure you stand at an appropriate distance until you are sure whether the dogs will get along.

  • If your dog has a bite history, please ensure that your dog is secure or separated until instructed by your trainer. 



  • Follow instructions at all times, including all safety instructions.

  • Equipment is designed for dog use NOT human.

  • We promote responsible ownership, please clean up after your dog. If you have forgotten your poo bags then just ask.

  • It is your responsibility to ensure your dog is fit and healthy to attend training and is not suffering from any infectious or contagious disease, parasite or illness  that could be transmitted to any other dogs. If in doubt about your dog’s health please consult a veterinarian.

  • Please inform your trainer before your training session if your bitch is in season. Depending on your training you may be required to postpone your appointment

  • We use & promote modern, ethical, science based methods of training & handling therefore harsh handling will not be tolerated. Your trainer reserves the right to request any persons to leave the premises if they are abusive to any other person or dog. We do not allow shock/e-collars, prong or choke collars, slip leads or extendable leads. If you would like any help with selecting equipment please let your trainer know. 

  • Any accidents or issues involving a person or a dog must be reported immediately to the trainer. In the unlikely event of an altercation between two dogs, stand back, follow instructions and allow the trainer to address it.

  • Cars are parked at their owner’s risk. We do not accept any responsibility for theft or damage to cars or property whilst at training. 

  • Sessions are recorded via Dictaphone or video, footage or recordings may be used for the following purposes: for liability purposes, as a record of your sessions and for providing your notes/reports, for use for educational purposes.



  • Payment of fees should be made at the time of placing a booking. Payments by BACS to Account Name: Karen Fairclough, Account Sort: 83 20 14 , Account Number: 00275390.  It is not possible to attend a class or book an appointment without payment being received.   We accept payment by online BACS,  or cash.

  • Cancellations must be made in writing by email. Cancellations will be subject to the following fees:

    • Rescheduling  of a booking must be at least 7 days before the start date of your  booking, otherwise your booking will be forfeit and you may be charged the full fee.

    • All bookings are non refundable.

    • If the participant fails to attend the appointment, fees are non refundable.

    • 7 days notice should be given for cancellations to avoid losing hours. 

  • Whilst I understand that sometimes unexpected cancellations may occur, Packages must be completed within their stated time frame otherwise sessions will be forfeited​ - example: a 6 month package must be completed within the 6 month time frame



  • Journey Together DT aims to work with you and your dog using the least invasive methods possible and always prioritising both physical and mental welfare of the dog.

  • Journey Together DT reserves the right to change the content, timing, dates, venue or instructor. We try to avoid this as much as possible however sometimes this is unavoidable, particularly with adverse weather, high temperatures or humidity causing sessions to be postponed or dangerous road conditions, ill health or unexpected vet visits.

  • If we know in advance that the weather will not be suitable , then we will let you know as soon as we can, however, often the weather can be very changeable without notice. If a booking is cancelled due to the weather, you will be notified by text or social media as soon as possible before the start of your session. We will then reschedule all the bookings to an alternative date. 

  • Whilst we try our best to be on time for scheduled appointments, sometimes we may be running late for various reasons, including other sessions running over time, traffic etc, and we will contact you via message where we are able to let you know.

  • Journey Together DT will not be liable for any losses or expenses arising from amendments to the course or cancellations.

  • Course materials, where relevant, are usually supplied after your course has completed. Follow up emails and course materials are supplied for your personal use and must not be copied or forwarded without permission. 



  • The information on your booking form will only be used as a record of you and your dog, and to contact you in relation to dog training activities and will not be passed on to any third parties.









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